Keep the Republic

A blog dedicated to expressing faith in God, hope in America, and a conviction to preserve the principles on which the nation was founded. Benjamin Franklin, after the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, was asked by a concerned citizen of Philadelphia what type of government had been created after four months of closed-door meetings by the delegates; he responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."

Location: London, Kentucky, United States

Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Remembering my father and Ernie Pyle

My father passed away ten years ago this week, and of course the upcoming anniversary has been on my mind for weeks. He was a World War II veteran from the Pacific theater, and one of the stories he often told was of being just up the beach from war correspondent Ernie Pyle on Ie Shima when Pyle was killed by a sniper's bullet. As it happens, Ernie Pyle was killed sixty years ago today. Reading this story about Pyle and the affection that the soldiers who he lived beside and reported on brought back fond memories of my father. It is a shame that today's soldiers will probably never have the same relationships with the journalists who cover their exploits as the WWII soldiers had with Ernie Pyle.

I miss my dad, but I rest in the knowledge that he is with our Heavenly Father and with his family who had gone on before.


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