Keep the Republic

A blog dedicated to expressing faith in God, hope in America, and a conviction to preserve the principles on which the nation was founded. Benjamin Franklin, after the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, was asked by a concerned citizen of Philadelphia what type of government had been created after four months of closed-door meetings by the delegates; he responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."

Location: London, Kentucky, United States

Friday, January 07, 2005

I was close

This is how Rep. Barbara Lee (D-CA) portrayed the Ohio election results in a statement during yesterday's debate on the floor of the House: "We all know this is not deja vu. The Supreme Court did not appoint President Bush this time, as it did in 2000. But again, in 2004, the Democratic process was thwarted."

Rep. Jerry Nadler (D-NY): "[T]he right to vote has been stolen from qualified voters. Stolen through corruption, through political cynicism, through incompetence, through technical malfunction."


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