Keep the Republic

A blog dedicated to expressing faith in God, hope in America, and a conviction to preserve the principles on which the nation was founded. Benjamin Franklin, after the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, was asked by a concerned citizen of Philadelphia what type of government had been created after four months of closed-door meetings by the delegates; he responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."

Location: London, Kentucky, United States

Monday, December 13, 2004

Less than good news on Rehnquist

The Supreme Court announced today that "Chief Justice Rehnquist will not participate in decisions argued during the November sitting, unless his vote is necessary to break a 4-4 tie." Scaling back his activity to this degree is a troubling sign, despite the fact that he recently agreed to administer the presidential oath of office at next month's inauguration. (Link via How Appealing via The Corner.)


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