Keep the Republic

A blog dedicated to expressing faith in God, hope in America, and a conviction to preserve the principles on which the nation was founded. Benjamin Franklin, after the conclusion of the Constitutional Convention, was asked by a concerned citizen of Philadelphia what type of government had been created after four months of closed-door meetings by the delegates; he responded, "A republic, if you can keep it."

Location: London, Kentucky, United States

Wednesday, October 13, 2004

More on the Ten Commandments

Davis Barton, president of WallBuilders, filed this affidavit with the United States District Court in the McCreary County case, which has now been granted review by the United States Supreme Court. The affidavit is incredibly thorough, and shows the effect that each Commandment has had on the development of American law. If you have any interest or even a slight opinion about the merits of the Ten Commandments cases, it is a must read.


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